Thursday, September 08, 2005

Three Things

1) Belated cool points
2) Quick question
3) GERA Update

First off, a heaping pile of belated cool points to Bryan Edward Hill, whose entry in Writing Challenge #1 stood out above all others. It made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me ponder what had been done in that alien suit.

Also, I've been wondering how many people out there have actually downloaded (or at least opened and had a look at) the PDF version of Blurred Line. If you have, leave a quick comment.

Finally, the following is probably solely of interest to those who have read Blurred Line. I've completed the first two chapters of GERA, which probably doesn't sound that impressive, but these chapters are far more fleshed out than chapters were in BL. One of the complaints about BL was its jumpiness. Since I wanted to keep the intertwined multi-POV format of BL, I've decided on longer chapters to help combat this feeling of jumpiness. Most people who read the book also noted that Rodney was their favourite character and they'll be delighted to know that GERA is fairly Rodney-centric. The number of characters whose POV is used has been drastically reduced when compared with BL, where you had the AI, Mel, Jeebs, Kat, Jordan, Rodney, Dr. Summerstone and the Regular. GERA will be from the point of view of only four characters: Rodney, Kat, Crawford and Nakato (though there will be small bits from the AI and the Regular). I'll likely post a brief excerpt in a few days, so stay tuned.


melly said...

2) I downloaded it, but I still don't have PDF for my palm so Blurred Line is only on my desktop and since it's a shared one I don't read on it, only on my palm.
But I will read and let you know.

10:26 AM  
BlogCruiser said...

I've downloaded and skimmed a few and will be taking a read as soon as I can. You really encouraged me strongly with your writing in your bio to read "Neuromancer". Why I haven't already I don't know. Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

5:09 PM  

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